Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Betty Hollywood says...

It was a holiday weekend so one would assume the freak flag would fly, but like new year's eve, a long weekend can sometimes be overrated. we started off on friday with drinks at the belmont with friends. it was the first time S. was meeting said friends and he was a total weirdo. such is life. I accept and love the oddball for who he is. afterwards we hit up temple bar in santa monica to catch S's boys from purchase, dujeous. they were awesome. really. great. music. we got thai food on the late night at toi and got home around 2am quitting time. saturday we headed to ayesha's in riverside for some slayer, drinking and drinking. ayesha made an unbelievable spread of homemade cookies and margaritas. the salt water pool was perfect and we spent the day rocking out with our cacks out. S. totally hung with 6 crazy chix in bikinis. not so bad. ayesha (editor's note: the wife of Kerry King from Slayer) is being filmed for a reality show so the camera crews that recorded our every move were not so real. we left pooped and chilled to the bone around 9pm. when I got home I was so cold that I spent the next 48 hours huddled up in bed with a massive cold (I guess the pool temp wasnt so perfect). memorial day was more of lying around nursing my cold and eating tom gai ha soup. I was happy to start up the work week again despite the fact that I dont work.

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