Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Brock in Our Nation's Capital Says...

I took the Jewish version of the Chinatown Express from DC up to NYC to spend the weekend with a couple of my best friends from back in the day. What day you ask? Perhaps the days of yore...i dunno...anyway, one of them is having a baby in a month, so i figured it'd be a good time to pop up there before the baby pops out. Excellent decision on my part. Friday i got into Manhattan around 10, hopped a cab to the LES, met up with friends, got a cheesesteak, then proceeded to drink Strongbow at Local 138 until sometime after 4am...when it was time for some excellent couch sleep.

Saturday, got up, got some tasty brunch, then watched random youtube videos at the apartment until heading back to Local 138 for a baby shower and some excellent mid-day drinking. Despite the shower attempting to suck all the testosterone out of the bar, much manly drinking was taking place with plenty of shots and cursing to go around. I might've even scratched my balls and spat on the ground a couple times just to assert my position. This drinking went on for close to 11 hours...my liver was crying to me when i left...more couch sleep was needed.

Sunday, I had an Australian brunch, which is no different from an American brunch, it just comes with a side serving of crappy accent, but I did have a delicious medium rare burger with bacon and egg on top which makes me drool just thinking about it again. Afterwards, I watched about an hour's worth of "Big Trouble In Little China"...an underrated John Carpenter movie to say the least. Then i was back on the bus, on my merry way back to DC, where i promptly slept for a day...on my own couch b/c my bedroom was too damn hot.

While i did nothing in NYC that I couldn't do in DC...and i stayed in approximately a 4 block radius while I was up in NYC...and i didn't see any sights whatsoever...and never really have in all my visits to the city...I certainly had fun. My liver, on the other hand, is gonna come after me for what I did to it.

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