Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Andy says...

Saturday morning I went to the East River Park with Rusty. I have lived on Avenue B for a year and a half and I've never gone there. The park itself was nothing to write home about. It's mostly along the FDR. Not pretty, but the little part by the river is nice. On the way back we discovered the greatest little East Village garden on 6th between B and C. It was as big as a townhouse footprint or so, but there were 11 separate sitting areas. We spent a lot of time there. Then we ended up at a German place on Ave. C and 8th, Ich Something. It was the highlight of the day. I don't like beer, but this beer was great. With that, frites and sausage, I felt like I could conquer Europe. Saturday night I said fuckall and stayed in watching LOTR DVD special features. Sunday I fumphered around Brooklyn looking at real estate. My shoes are worn out from this. Then I saw you. We watched part of Signs, the M. Knight Shamalamadingdong movie. He can really set up a shot, but he needs a writer so his shit doesn't suck. Why were the aliens, who presumably mastered interstellar travel, stupid monsters? I didn't see the end. Maybe he wrapped it up in a nice bow but I doubt it. I stayed up really late on Sunday. Heck yesterday too.

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