Monday, June 11, 2007

J. Fruit Says...

So, the weekend was a good one. Here's the recap:
It was DC Pride and Philly Pride and, of course, being the conscientious gay that I am, I made it to exactly 3 minutes of the DC Pridefest on Sunday before I got bored and left. More (or less) on that later...I did make it to a pride weekend launch party on Friday night though. It was thrown by a church-going friend of a friend of a friend (yeah, I'm tight with the community). How'd I know that the host attended church? Well, everyone that I met at the party told me so. Specifically, St. Thomas on P and 18th. The second occasion that it came up went like this: Church-gay: Do you know R___ or D___? Me: Actually I've met R___ when he threw a party for M___ but I didn't even know that it was his party until I walked up to the door and realized that I'd been here before. Which do you know? Church-gay: I know R___ from St. Thomas. Me: Oh, that's cool. I've never been to the Virgin Islands. Church-gay: No, St. Thomas Church on P and 18th. Yeah, the party was alright but I needed to get out of there before I really started to f*ck with people. Saturday, I drove up to Philly to see this guy who I'm "hanging out with"/"fooling around with"/"???" (i.e. we hang out and then have sex at some point). His housemates and neighbors were throwing a block party Saturday and he invited me to it. Having never been to a real block party before, I was really excited for it. There were some local bands that played and a wacky dance troupe. Philly has a bunch of young people (20s and 30s) and seemed pretty cool. The party went on through the night. Sunday, I had some brunch in Philly before heading down for the 3 minutes at Pridefest. Had some tapas with a friend who I met there. Then saw Hamlet at the Shakespeare Theatre Company with another friend from work. It was a decent production. The updated costumes were unnecessary because it added little to nothing to the production. The queen was horrible. I can't say that there were any outstanding performers. And what's with puppetry on stage lately???

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