Friday, June 29, 2007

Caitlin in France Says...

Nothing brilliant really....Friday night was spent with some friends at a wine bar on the River Rhone. It was actually an attempt to hook up two gay male friends, but it was really just a disaster...Saturday redeemed itself with some "Fete de la Musique" which is an all weekend long festival that happens in every spot in Geneva. Some stages are set up and musicians play music from about 12pm until 3am. And there are even spots where people that haven't signed up can go and play whatever they fancy. So, Saturday-- both day and night-- was spent at the festival, in parks, and eating lots of Swiss sausage and beer. Mmmmmm. Sunday? Pretty much the same. So nothing outrageous but a good ol time in Switzerland....This weekend? I have to write a piece for a magazine on vodka and caviar and so I think we know where that is heading...... Okay, will keep you posted!!!

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