Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kilgour Says...

My weekend usually starts on Wednesday but I took a rest and started on Thursday night. Simona and I went to see Fuerzabruta in Union Square (same people who did De La Guarda). Amazing mix of dance, world music, acrobatics and all around athleticism. Would probably go GREAT with mushrooms. Then went on to see my buddy Kirk DJ at the “FREAKS & GEEKS” party at Identity. I can deal with ‘freaks’... I can deal with “geeks”... But they forgot to add “Losers” to the title cause that’s all that were there. Actually might as well just drop the freaks part and the geeks part. I went to see “LOSERS” at Identity on Thursday night. Friday was Heavy Metal Happy Hour then ended up back in Brooklyn, taking requests on the acoustic and leading a late night rock-out-sing-along that ended up on the rooftop. No, I’m sorry ma’am... I don’t CARE if you’re sleeping and no we WON’T keep it down. Bitch.

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